July 04, 2021

The matches from the pre-qualifications that will also take place at Ciric Base will start on Monday

The matches from the pre-qualifications that will also take place at Ciric Base will start on Monday

11:00 a.m.
Adrian Boitan - Vlad Stoica, Field 1
Eduard Schipor - Matei Fotea, Field 2
Ioan Carp-Cărare - Matei Varbanciu, Field 3;

Not earlier than 12:30
Tudor Gheorghiță - Rareș-Petru Popa, Field 1
Vlad Dancu (favorite no. 4) - George Cătălin Mureșan, Field 2


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Gabriel Morariu about Concord Iasi Open and BCR Iasi Open

When you do things by the book, when you put a lot of heart into it, it's normal for fate to smile upon you!